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4qnmc8JAT2 15-12-2015 08:06

I see the pros and cons in both the physical book and the kinlde. I'm currently reading The Hunger Games on a kinlde and yes, it is very easy to read, but I'm constantly afraid I'll drop it and I'm not keen on taking it outside the house. If I lose it, I lose a a390 kinlde instead of a a35 book. I also prefer the weight and feel of the physical thing.
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V6ac2qEsE 12-12-2015 23:52

Like all technology the E-Reader has betifens and disadvantages. It all depends on where your values lie, will you side with the betifens or disadvantages. I don't like E-Readers because I'm old skoolz and like to read physical books (and my Dad owns at least a thousand so I don't usually have to buy them.) I don't look down on people that like E-Readers. It's like the Mac vs. PC argument, they both have advantages and disadvantages. Stop fighting, and stop trying to change people.
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XpfbFaiMR5v 12-12-2015 03:51

Like all technology the E-Reader has beifents and disadvantages. It all depends on where your values lie, will you side with the beifents or disadvantages. I don't like E-Readers because I'm old skoolz and like to read physical books (and my Dad owns at least a thousand so I don't usually have to buy them.) I don't look down on people that like E-Readers. It's like the Mac vs. PC argument, they both have advantages and disadvantages. People, stop fighting, and stop trying to change people.
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Tiniiistaaa forever 04-01-2013 10:09

queria que gane magui pero gano esa enana voladoraaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!
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Johana 20-12-2012 19:04

piqui y noelia
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Denise Martino 19-07-2012 20:35

Maguiii la mejor!
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