Giiselle! Amoo a MattyB!
Bone! Matyy is BEAUTIFUL *. * Because haci speak? Cadaa One has his feelings for a person! My dream is to meet Matty But .. Nuncaa may meet I Love You! Is The Mejorr If you do not like Well save it for you! Sing beautiful *. * Veoo Your videos every Diiaz! My other dream is to make a video with you Matty! But either will be fulfilled! :/ I have Tullas Million photos in my computer! Hehe I LOVE YOU MATTY! Nuncaa I take the point q only people you want to feel bad! Segui also matyy Never stop doing what you love most! Sabelo I LOVE YOU! You Are My A.P! (Platonic Love) Bone (Impossible Love) :/ Mee love your eyes *. * Ah! Jeje AMOO TE RE BEAUTIFUL! :) I respect you with all my heart baby! Q I would like to be my boyfriend! Ahq! xD You amooo Idol! So Segui suertee! You Are Beautiful Never let others tell you otherwise! MY LIFE! I LOVE YOU!! Idol Mio! Sos Wile Mio! 3 jiji IDOLOOOOOO Chau! I'm your biggest fans Amore!
Mii Viidaa! :3
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